Every field service operation is unique. No doubt your operation has many characteristics in common with other operations but, like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. The ability to create a customized solution is crucial for today’s field service operations.  And it’s also a bit like a three-legged stool – it only holds up if you have all three legs working together. And there may be more than three legs involved, as you’ll discover in this quick cheat sheet to get you up to speed on several different aspects of customization.

1: AI-driven functionality is a big driver behind the results you can experience by automating your field service operations. And the ability to configure that AI to your specific use cases makes all the difference. Your solution can provide real-time recommendations, just-in-time scheduling, classify photographs, and much more. And those outputs can be customized for different use cases, regions, or other factors.

Discover how to leverage AI to build a customized field service solution

2: Another important way to tailor your field service automation solution to your unique needs is with your own apps. A low-code approach to creating new apps makes it quick and easy to deploy and configure apps integrated with your existing applications and workflows.

Learn how you can easily create your own customized field service apps

3: At the end of the day (or, more likely, many times during the course of the day), what you want your field service system to do is to make recommendations. The inputs are a combination of your own historical and real-time data, analyzed in real-time by AI, and accessed via apps (including custom apps that you’ve created). Just as the data, the machine learning models, and the apps should be customized, the recommendations themselves also need to be tailored to your operational needs.

Get recommendations geared to your specific requirements

4: Another big variable in the field service automation equation is your location. Today’s mobile workforce should be able to do everything on the go – from onboarding to creating close-out packages. A robust field service automation solution provides functionality that’s flexible about who’s working where when.

Make sure your field service solution can adapt to the changing needs of your mobile world

5: In addition to the need for customized outputs based on customized inputs accessed on customized apps in customized locations, there’s another type of customization at play in many field service operations: their workforce. Today’s field service teams are increasingly a mix of full-time workers and on-demand contractors. Here are some pointers about how to make the “Uberification” of field service personnel work for you.

Whether your teams are full-time, on-demand, or an evolving hybrid workforce, a modern field service solution can always adapt to meet your needs

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