You’ve probably been ready for it to be 2021 since somewhere around February. Well, now it’s finally nearly time to get ready to flip the page on our calendars with our fingers crossed for a safer and more stable 2021. But while you might be good and ready to get the heck out of 2020, are you actually ready for 2021?

Two things that can help when planning for the year ahead are data and predictions. Data is solid, reliable, and meaningful. It helps inform your thinking and validates your hunches. And it’s essential if you plan to put your plans into a compelling PowerPoint deck.

Predictions, on the other hand, help to fuel the other side of your brain. If they’re good predictions, they might spark good ideas. Even bad predictions can be useful if they help to squelch a few bad ideas.

So to help you with your 2021 planning, here are a few tips on both fronts. First, a data point to get you thinking about the past and and future: Even among large enterprises (with annual revenues over $2 billion), many field service operations continue to manage their workflows using spreadsheets and clipboards.

That’s changing – but how, how fast, and who first? We want to hear your best predictions – your own, or maybe some ideas that are percolating around your company, or perhaps some insights about what 2021 has in store that you’ve learned from your customers or from people you follow on LinkedIn. We’d love to see your favorite 2021 prediction posted over on our own LinkedIn channel. And stay tuned for a post here next month in which we’ll share a few 2021 predictions of our own along with some of the best ideas you shared with us.

What do you think 2021 has in store for business, enterprise systems, and field service automation? Share your predictions here.

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