Meet the people behind the technology that's helping to empower the humans of field service:

Paulina Covián, Compliance and Legal Associate

A typical day for Paulina begins by saying hello to her dogs, who are ready to lick faces, wag tails, dine, and go out for a morning walk in Mexico City. After pouring a cup of homemade coffee, she’s ready for the workday.

And there’s a good chance that Zinier employees from around the globe will have already teed up plenty of tasks via Slack, email, and phone messages. Once she’s attended to her inboxes, she’s ready to dive into the legal and compliance tasks on her plate. Such as? She needs to make sure that all our operations and customer projects adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including health, safety, environmental, legal, and other requirements.

On any given day, her off-work hours might be filled with practicing yoga, finishing up her scuba diving certificate, listening to music, cooking, trying new food, and travelling – like her dream destination of the Galapagos Islands which she was able to visit in the fall of 2021. (Her current list of travel targets includes an African safari, visiting Antarctica, reaching the North Pole, and exploring La Patagonia.) “I am,” she confesses, “quite a mess when it comes to organizing my spare time because I like doing a lot of stuff.”

The Power of Adaptation

One phrase she tells herself almost daily helps her navigate both her professional and personal to-do lists: “Adapt or die.” This motto, she says, “is as natural as life itself. Life is a constant change, and the only way to enjoy the ride is to embrace every new situation life presents – especially when it comes to technology that’s evolving incredibly fast.”

An example of her ability to adapt was the time she ran the San Antonio Marathon with torn anterior and posterior ligaments in her knee – and didn’t even know it until three months later. Another example of her enthusiasm for adaptation was being part of the team that helped Zinier achieve compliance with the SOC 2 guidelines for protecting customer data. “I learned a lot from all the teams involved in the process and was excited by the team’s spirit of focusing on a common goal.” You can also get some insight about Paulina when you learn that her top three most-used mobile apps are:

  • WhatsApp
  • AvaTrade
  • Tidal (“it has better sound quality than Spotify”)

And what if she could adapt Zinier’s automation abilities to her personal life? She’d love to be able to automate:

  • Travel (being able to just appear wherever you want to go)
  • Getting the house and the dishes cleaned
  • Ironing clothes 

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